Saturday, December 13, 2008
shelving idea i like
I saw this shelf on apartment therapy, talking about using found objects and recycling to make different shelving/ storage space. I really like the idea of using different pieces to make a new and interesting one, and since my goal is to make everything in our house I wanted to post this and have it as a reminder and source of inspiration down the road. peace
Friday, November 21, 2008
what's up with Obama?
But in the meantime, Obama has been picking his cabinet and people to surround himself with for the next 4 years. This means we finally get a glimpse of 'Hope and Change'.
So what does 'Change' look like?
The Clinton years apparently. Did I miss Obama's mentioning a time machine or anything during his many inspirational speeches?? Maybe Obama's taking early steps in combating global warming and protecting the environment by practicing 2 of the 3 Rs: Reuse and Recycling. It really looks like some serious recylcing of Washington politicians to me. I'm excited to hear his choices defended by his many fans. I'm sure Hillary and Bill's come back is a 'stroke of genius' somehow.
Should be fun! Can you say drama?
In other news:
Looking to stay fit and healthy??? Two words: coffee and cigarettes!
Interesting choice. But it's a collector's edition, so I have to buy it.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
how Obama got elected
Ok, so I was told the country sucks, so who's in charge of congress? Must be Republicans.
Who said there are 57 states? Well, Palin is an idiot so she must have said it.
Who did something bad or weird? I don't know, so it must be the Republican.
Who is House Speaker? Who is this person? This person? Who did that? Who said that?
Can't say that I know, or even care to know. OBAMA...OBAMA....OBAMA....
Monday, November 17, 2008
house i like
Sunday, November 9, 2008
are you patriotic now? how about now?
I heard on the radio all this stuff about people in liberal parts of the country buying American flags and wanting to show pride in their country for the first time in their entire life since the election. They mentioned this article from a Seattle newspaper. I think it's a strange thing for people to claim they are now proud for the first time, or that they now love their country, when a week ago they couldn't say that. I've been thinking about lots of stuff lately about this sudden love for your country thing, and also the idea of acceptance- but only when the other person agrees with your point of view. They seem often to be tied together somehow, or at least usually involve a lot of the same people. I bet if you go to places in middle America, 'traditional values' places or 'bitter-clinger' territory as some like to say, places that typically have lots of American flags up throughout their towns and neighborhoods, I bet you will continue to see those flags through the next four years. Even if they didn't vote for the man in the white house, I bet those flags remain. I think they know, as I know, that our country isn't one man. It isn't even 2 people, or even a small group of temporary leaders and governors, it is something much larger and greater.
Dad, I suppose you've taken your flag down right? Have maybe even burned it after seeing the election results? Probably won't even consider taking it out for the next four years? I highly doubt it. I just think it's really funny that papers in Seattle or San Francisco are actually running pieces on properly displaying and caring for the flag because their readers never cared to honor it before and don't even know how. Whatever their reasoning be, I say- 'Welcome! Join us in appreciating our country!" I just hope that that truly is what they are doing, because no matter who got elected, I think it's a pretty great place.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
election day positivity
I will try to share her sentiments. Perhaps it's true, I may no longer have to pay for my gas. My student loan: taken care of. Rent? gone. That does sound nice. (I mean, look at Obama's illegal aunt Zeituni in the Boston projects, his half brother in his Kenya shack, etc., this guy is benevolent!) Anyways, I learned somewhere that if I have even a seed of hope or faith I should plant that seed within me and see how it develops. Maybe I should try it out. Maybe rich people should be punished and everyone else should depend on Obama to give them those greedy rich people's money. You know, those doctors and lawyers and people who don't deserve their wealth....wait, that's everyone in my own family except for me! HA! Suckers!
Friday, October 31, 2008
this guy's sweet
I've seen a couple of this guy's videos on youtube. He's pretty cool, makes alot of sense to me. Gives it to you straight.
see more here
Monday, October 27, 2008
vote obama and fix the broken foundations of the U.S.
If it's still possible to think clearly about His Holiness, the Dalai Obama, then perhaps its time to take his election a little more seriously. He wants to address the problems handed down to us all when the founding fathers wrote the flawed constitution. Obama believes it too negative (says what the government can't do) and falls short in the, i guess, positive as he sees it (what the government should do for you). Hopefully people who are fans of the founding fathers and believe that they knew what they were doing will think Obama's words a little troubling. Here's a clip from a recently unearthed interview with Barry on Chicago public radio in 2001.
I think Obama should be running in North Korea, Russia or Cuba or someplace else, where the government actually does take upon itself the duty of providing everything for people, distributing wealth, and having a much more intrusive role in our everyday lives.
If you believe that people shouldn't control how to use their own money, that hard work and success doesn't allow you to lift yourself above others who don't exert the same effort, and that the government should have far more power in your life, than please vote Barry.
It is scary the way Obama hides his intentions to completely alter the country and our freedom by saying generic garbage like "change". We hung out with friends over the weekend, there was another couple there we didn't know and they all had fun talking about how dumb Palin is and how great SNL is for making a fool of her, how great Obama is, how they'll move if he's not elected, blah, blah, blah. Typical young liberal person recently graduated from college stuff. And why doesn't she like McCain? "Oh like, I just can't take another old geezer who's like 'yeah, more war' and stuff." Wow, she sounded smart. She almost convinced me.
It is scary that the Obama crowd attacks people who question him or ask him a hard question. See what happened to Joe the plumber: we now know more about him in a matter of a week or 2 because he asked Obama a question, than we know about Obama. Biden is asked a question about Obama's socialist tendencies and he throws a tantrum and the Obama people cut that news channel off for the rest of the campaign. You question or don't agree with him, you get in trouble. is that scary to anyone else? and he's not even president yet. imagine what it will be like when he is, with an unstoppable congress behind him.
Obama will be change indeed. Anyone else concerned about where the change will take us?
Monday, October 20, 2008
elect inexperience, get tested.
Hey, we might get blown up, but I'm willing to take the chance for the possibility of some feel-good change!
Biden even went on to say a bunch more weird and troublesome stuff about Obama possibly reacting and making choices that the public might not agree with or think are correct ones when this big test occurs. But Biden calls on everyone to not fear, not question Obama, but to have faith that it'll turn out in the end... man, that sounds optimistic. And that's coming from his #2!
exhibit A: Blindly following Obama
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
final debate and closing statement
Can you image how frustrating it would be to run against Obama? I think McCain deserves a medal just for the fact that he's survived without spontaneously combusting.
McCain tried to be on the offense tonight, he had to, it's his last stand. I wish he went harder, there is an incredible amount of ammunition to use. But McCain was given, with the Repub nomination, the impossible task of running against someone who was preordained to the presidency, who was anointed by almost all media outlets as the savior of the world and who has captured a frightening amount of supporters all in love with the idea of Obama.
Obama made a joke about Fox news' bias during the debate. Fox is a tiny segment of the media, one little network, against the entire rest of the world. Give me a break, because they want to look at the man who might be president without falling all over themselves and openly promote him Obama's going to whine about it?
Obama is running on the idea that McCain is more of Bush, that is it. Add in some garbage about spreading wealth around and giving people that don't pay tax tax breaks and you have Obama's platform in a nutshell. Oh, he speaks well too. And apparently that is enough to win.
It is astounding to me the faith and trust so many people are willing to put in this man. It is so simple and logical to question and so difficult to defend. I look at it like this:
He says he is a man of character. Let's hypothesize about his character by what he's done and who he associated with. He was taught and molded to become a political leader by radically thinking people, Ayres, Wright, Flagger and others. I know that it is lame to use the guilty by association thing, but really, there is a large number of questionable characters in this relatively unknown man's life. Obama, when asked about associations, has repeatedly lied at first, saying that there is nothing there to worry about. As it becomes a problem for him, he repeatedly comes up with poor excuses like 'I wasn't there...', 'I was eight years old'...etc. What about saying constantly to adoring fans: 'We need to bring the troops home now!', then going to Iraq and telling their government behind closed doors that he doesn't think any such action should be taken until he's president? That is not character! It is disturbing to me and basically ignored by most other people. Now the stuff with ACORN. He plays it off in the debate, laughing and saying he has nothing to do with ACORN? He was employed by them, he trained their people, he gave them money to have their help in registering people to vote. Now their own people are pleading guilty to fraud and they are being investigated in many states across the country. In Houston alone, 40% of the over 27,000 registrations were found to be fraudulent. ACORN has registered over 1.3 million voters so far this year. Thousands and thousands of votes are, I'm sure, being cast illegally and Obama laughs it off and says he's got no part in it and it's not a big deal. He is in bed with them, please open your eyes people. That is not character. He is a sneaky, smooth talking, erudite snob who uses people to get ahead.
He says to judge him by his record. He has none. He's voted present almost always and has done pretty much nothing as a senator. He said in the debate tonight that he's 'reached across the isle'. I don't know what he was talking about. When the economic collapse happened, he receded into the shadows, letting others take the blame. He and his friends at Freddie and Fannie were part of the problem, yet they are not called out. Obama didn't show any kind of leadership and wasn't at all involved with the bill they worked on and passed. He said for the Dems in D.C. to call him if they needed him. He didn't want to be involved in the mess, so did nothing and now he's picked up momentum because the blame has been dealt to people like McCain by the media. Again, look at the record: Repubs called for something to be done years ago that could have helped avoid such a housing crisis. McCain was there calling for it, Obama was stopping it. Now, McCain gets the blame and Obama crowd surfs by, carried by cheering fans that now trust him to fix the problem.
I didn't want to write alot and hope that this will all be over soon, whatever the outcome so I can try to focus on other things.
I just think it is incredible the way this has turned out. I am so curious to have a real chat with people who are so convinced of Obama. What are they going off of? His speaches? Because that is all there is!! Honestly. But it is too late, there are polls out that show more people think their taxes with go up more with McCain than Obama! Where are they getting this from? It makes no sense whatsoever. There is an epidemic of blind faith and self deception that is unbelievable. Obama could come out tomorrow and say that the moon is made of cheese and his followers would believe it. At the same time, McCain would be called racist and then assassinated for saying that in fact, it is not, but is rock and we can prove it.
Again, McCain is a hero for still standing after this complete joke of a race. The poor guy has been running against a ghost. Obama says any attack or question about him is a distraction. Distraction from what? His halo and glowing aura that everyone is supposed to be awestruck by? Man, Obama is incredible. He sidestepped or just shrugged off every question about his actions or associations tonight and for most of his campaign. He knows that his dorky looking frame has come to stand for something that cannot be stopped. And the masses continue to buy into the idea of OBAMA: A man that will transcend race, political party and all other divisiveness and evil to spread wealth, peace and joy- even though there is no such evidence to be found that he is anywhere near willing or able to do it.
Anyways, please mark me down as not buying any of it. It sure has been fascinating to watch though.
Monday, October 13, 2008
takes green to be green
Just wanted to pass this short article on- talking about the rich and famous and environmentally conscious trying to tell everyone else how to live because they can handle the costs...
Even though this isn't a big issue right now, it's something I think is really annoying. McCain is supposed to be a complete idiot because he thinks we need more oil right now. I think it's nice he realizes that most of us live in the real world where the priority is to put food on the table and not save a polar bear from drowning. To me, it's not 'more of the same' or being 'out of touch', it's called dealing with reality and common sense.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
be aware...
hey- that sounds like an interesting book!
If you wrote a book on Obama and how great and important his campaign and accomplishments are, then were to come out with that book in the very moment the next presidency was sworn in, then which ticket would you be routing for? Which presidency would help sell more of your book?
These are all good questions. Apparently the person who wrote this book on Obama's greatness is the moderator of tomorrow's VP debate. Gwen Ifill is from the always unbiased and informative PBS. She's also been joining in the standard trash talk about Palin lately...
It should be a good debate. A woman who feminists and Obama fans want to publicly hang vs. an old boring guy with a cheerleader asking him questions.
Read the description and pre-order your own copy of the book here.
p.s. Gwen- I hope your book does really well!
Friday, September 19, 2008
candidates on green technology
From the piece:
‘Green’ Technology
McCain and Obama both demand a reduced reliance on foreign oil and support “clean coal technology,” which will reduce carbon emissions from burned coal. Both support “smart” electric grids to reduce energy use at home, and both support developing alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power.
McCain hopes to build 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030, plans to offer a $5,000 tax credit for purchasing zero-carbon-emissions cars and has suggested a $300 million prize for building a better plug-in battery for hybrid and fully electric cars.
Obama plans to weatherize 1 million homes annually to reduce energy use; offer a $7,000 tax credit for purchasing no-carbon-emissions vehicles; and press for the use of more biofuels.
McCain's plan seems more multi-layered and aggressive to me. The weatherizing of homes sounds interesting, just not sure what it means exactly...maybe for all those people who shouldn't have bought a home in the first place and got bailed out once, and now will get a home makeover?
Also, interesting to note that when it comes to spending more money or increasing government intervention, Obama does it almost across the board. I guess that is in line with the Democratic standard, but a)throwing money at stuff isn't always the best strategy, b) that's a whole lot of money he's gonna need from some where.
the two faces of obama...
Ignoring conditions on the ground there, as always, and trying to work on his own political career.
Read from NY Post. Was he really concerned about the Iraqis? Perhaps the 'state of weakness and political confusion' back home in the U.S. leading to wrong moves there? Or, maybe he wanted to put it off and then push for it after he took office, become the hero he thinks he is, and have his massive ego stroked. you decide. Looks like hope and change to me.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Palin= Obama, but with substance...and more on the GOP convention
Just wanted to write a quick note on the GOP Convention thus far.
I had heard good things about Sarah Palin over the past little bit and today was able to listen to hear speak live. It was a pretty great speech. I am convinced she was a smart, solid pick. I had Shandra watch it with me again when we were home tonight. More than any other person I've seen on either side, she seems genuine and someone I think we can all identify with. She's like the mom next-door, but clearly smart, tough, hard working and not afraid of her critics. I was afraid she'd look weak or too young or out of her league, but man, she killed. Also great was her utter destruction of the media and Obama's campaign in general. Her jabs were smart, piercing and 100% accurate. Things that needed to be said. One of my personal favs was her contrasting the optimism of the Repubs with the negativity/narcissism of the Dems, when she mentioned how Obama "can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting and never use the word 'victory' except when he's talking about his own campaign." amen.
-Palin's speech is about 40 minutes long, but I do think it's a good investment of time if you have it. Giuliani was another speaker who killed and is very worth listening to. Listen and watch here.
But with the media against her and conservatives in general, it will be interesting to see what happens now. Palin is already being attacked mercilessly, but I do think that this will backfire and cause thinking Americans to be more open and sympathetic to Palin.
There is no media bias? Here is one of the more blatant and recent examples:
Can someone help me, I just barfed on myself. This is one of the reasons I don't care to pay for TV or support most of the 'mainstream media'. And Please note the subtext/ bullets on the articles- give me a freakin break!
- So who do you want to vote for now? The Huxtables or that weird white trash lady with all the babies? OMG! Michelle shops at Target! Oh, totally Obama all the way!
I just hope McCain/Palin get the consideration they deserve, but it definitely will be an uphill battle.
*** One last observation, Shandra and I both noticed how nice it is to see and hear people chanting USA!!! USA!!! They may have been protesters, and if so, all the more reason to support McCain: he angers nut jobs enough to get them to come out to his speeches and look like fools!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Obama defends his experience...poorly.
I think it's great that the shock of Palin for VP has caused Obama to begin attempting to convince us that he's more qualified than her. Running for President, he is threatened enough to now feel he needs to prove he is better than the Repub. Vice Presidential nominee? I personally think that is an effective tool to make himself look ridiculous. Keep it up Barry!
Obama is no longer the only young exciting person on the ballot, and worse yet, Palin has actually accomplished things during her short time of service.
In summary, I'm now convinced. Obama's overblown, media-peddled, rock star-like, and so impressively fancy campaign does, I think, make him qualified to be president of the U.S., simply because of the fact that he has been a part of it. That sure takes alot of blind faith.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
the campaign
It seems Obama's campaign strategy can be narrowed down to two, maybe three, key points. They somehow figure it will be enough to make him the President of the World. The two things his attacks and campaign focuses on are these: 1. McCain = Bush 2. McCain doesn't know how many houses he has. (Really, is that all they got? They really were counting on Obama-mania to have had this locked up by now)
Pretty basic, really. Throw in a 3rd key point- that the world and especially our country sucks and Obama is the "change" we all need- and you have the brilliant campaign strategy of Barry Obama.
All I can say is it's been great to see McCain take advantage of the weak spots in Obama's armor. Despite the overwhelming biases one is bombarded with trying to push Obama, we actually have a race. McCain wasn't supposed to do this well.
But maybe others, like me, have looked at the two candidates and are able to cut through all the garbage- Bush hatred, eco-trends, celebrity worship, PC-ness, etc. and have been able to draw their own conclusions.
For me, it's simple and I like graphics, so I will share it with you. The two things I have been able to decipher are:
Sorry, even though McCain = Bush (or 'more of the same') was the punchline of every Dem Convention speech, I don't buy it. Gotta hand it to them though, those 'Freudian slips' sure are clever. I hope they will start expanding their argument beyond cheesy little one liners that aren't based on reality. Actually, I hope they keep doing it, cause it's a lame strategy.
It'll be interesting to watch as the suit and McCain are able to battle face to face. We've all seen what happens when the teleprompter is snatched away from Obama. It ain't pretty, but it's pretty telling.
May the best man win!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Interesting reads regarding His Holiness, the Dalai Obama
I heard some about these recent articles on Obama on the radio so I went and read them, pretty interesting stuff. I'm really not obsessed with him, nor hold any hatred like the many Bush-bashers. I just am sick of him being shoved down my throat everyday and don't want him to be U.S. president or world president. I think I'm a good judge of character, and it didn't take much for me to draw the conclusion that Obama seemed a little shady and not very trustworthy. Unfortunately there isn't much, it seems there is nothing, actually, to deter the believers from chanting mantras of change and praise, but still want to share some things. So here are some of the articles I suggest reading to both understand more who Obama is and what people, regular and nutty, are thinking:
* First, let's start with the nut's perception of Obama. 'Obama as lightworker' from a writer for the San Francisco Chronicle. These people cannot be reasoned with.
* Next, a pretty reasonably thinking person, Jon Voight's, 'concerns for America' op-ed from the Washington Times.
* Third, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, looks at Obama's recent speech in Berlin during his impressive world tour. He looks at how Obama gets facts wrong and speaks naively of 'One World' to excite the crowd.
** Last, a very informative, interesting and, in fact, scary look at Obama and his mysterious policies, particularly 'economic justice'. From Investor's Business Daily, this article seeks to define this phrase that Obama loves to throw out to cheering fans. It outlines Obama's ties with and influence from radical socialists and even communists from his early years. For those radical leftists, they understand and get excited by the implications of 'economic justice', for the many regular folks caught up in the hysteria, it just sounds like a good thing. Enjoy.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Forget English, teach your kids Spanish!
He says he doesn't understand why people go around being worried about English being taught in schools. Another example of his being out of touch with reality and the clear thinking person. It was frustrating living in California and going to the store and receiving application forms for discount cards and various things in Spanish, and Spanish only. Our country bends over backwards to allow people to rely solely on their native language to the detriment of everyone else. Funny how Obama blows past immigrants learning English..."of course they will"...and then focuses on the real problem: us not learning their language. What? Why would they learn English when it is no longer required, when you know that the world around you will change for you? Why are there so many communities of immigrants, legal and non, that refuse to assimilate and are their own mini countries, sucking resources, money, classroom space, etc. and give as little as possible back- and why should we encourage more of it?
Obama just makes me laugh. I love when he get carried away in his own speech or goes into comedian mode and his voice goes into that higher pitch...
Someone please tell him that the landscape in Europe is not slightly different from that of America, and if he's so in love with it, they'd love to have him.
Friday, June 27, 2008
slumber's over, the gloves are off
- sorry to the Obama fans out there, I know Fox news makes your ears bleed...
Obama gets more annoying to me the more I hear about him. I think he's arrogant, sneaky and a master at playing this country's people. I only ever hear liberals talk about black/ white affecting anything in this race. But Obama tells his worshipers what they like to hear, but isn't based on reality. Repubs will try to scare everyone about Obama because he's black and has a different name. Give me a freakin break. This guy is so phony I don't know what to do with myself. Everything about him is contrived and planned out to get ahead politically. His changing his name from Barry to Barack, his choice of a church, his friends, everything about him. Now all he has to do now is spew the standard garbage liberals love to hear in his eloquent smokers voice and it is genius. And no matter what flip flop or weird idea he comes up with he will get a pass, for he is The Chosen One.
Repubs are always accused of being the fear mongers, of scaring the public into doing things.
That's interesting when you consider the doomsday crap from the global warming people. That stuff is by far more scary sounding and isn't even based on anything immediately affecting me right now. It's funny too, that those fighting to stop the world from changing from it's current state are also the same people who think the creation is garbage and evolution should be taught exclusively. WHAT? Did evolution end with the birth of the great Al Gore??? I think the world is a tough place and is used to going through changes... (or evolving)...People can be pretty resilient too.
Al Gore is another great person to contemplate. How many millions has this guy made from his preaching of inconvenient truths?? It is astounding. And yet how much energy is he using at this present time after all his newfound knowledge?? oh, only like 20 times the average family? That seems about right. But Bush and Republicans are the fear mongers right? Just watch Gore's movie about how everyone in the world is gonna be dead in a few years. That's not playing off of fear at all.
Gore's another professional, playing the public. Maybe Obama and Gore would make a perfect ticket.
So, after a month of slumber, I was awakened again by ridiculous things happening around me. I had to say something. To sum up: Obama is annoying.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
glenn murcutt
An architect that I greatly admire is Australian Glenn Murcutt. Known for his sustainable and site sensitive designs, he creates architecture that works together with its surroundings and forces interaction with it. His designs utilize nature to passively heat, cool, daylight and water. His work isn't influenced by trends, but draws from local vernacular architecture, the site and a sound knowledge of materials to inform the design. Murcutt uses materials that are local, sustainable and sometimes even recycled from an existing structure to create buildings that are rich in character and in his words, "touch the earth lightly".
Read an article on Murcutt from the New York Times.
I recommend these books for more info and great pictures of his work.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Understanding Obama
I again think of Rev. Wright. I know, Obama lovers are sick of hearing it, sick of guilt by association, etc. Tonight the Rev. can be seen in an interview on PBS with Bill Moyers for his first big public appearance since his infamy began. Moyers, probably just as in love with Obama as the standard media personality, doesn't challenge the Rev. at all, but sits through Wright's soft spoken explanations like Oprah listening to some poor woman's story. I had to keep looking down at the bottom of the screen to see if they were holding hands. They seemed to thoroughly enjoy each other's company, it was tender. One small thing that the Rev. said was interesting to me, regarding everything that's been going on with Obama: "He's a politician, I'm a pastor. We speak to two different audiences. And he says what he has to say as a politician. I say what I have to say as a pastor..." What do we typically mean when we think, 'it's politics' or 'I can't stand politicians'?? Is it that politicians are usually associated with honesty and trustworthiness? or are these common phrases instead coming from the idea that politicians tend to say what is safest, what the people want to hear and not necessarily the truth and facts? Obama has tried to say things to keep himself safe, first it was that he didn't think his church was particularly controversial, then it was that he never heard such things in the pews, then finally he had to come out and say he completely disavowed himself from the pastors comments. I think Rev. Wright has it right. Obama is doing what politicians do.
What does he really believe about things? It's very hard to tell and that has worked well for him thus far. Obama seems to be struggling to keep it that way, since he isn't a fan of debates or interviews or questions about these things anymore. Recently, when Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground came up, you could tell Obama was quite annoyed that he had another problem to deal with. What happened to the good ole days of everyone throwing themselves at his feet and cheering when he so much as sneezed? But Ayres is another interesting insight into Obama's world and into the group of people that have been around him while Obama was being reared and groomed to be an instrument for 'change'.
Ayre and his wife and their radical group in the 60s-70s bombed various sites in the U.S., including the pentagon, the capital and other government buildings. They were and probably still are anti-capitalist and more for a communist or socialist form of government. On September 11, 2001, Ayres said he wished they had done more back in the day against the government. He never apologized for any of these domestic attacks and now has joined many other radical left academics as a professor, teaching at a university in Chicago. A recent audio clip of him showed Ayres continues to harbor hatred for America, saying that 'we're in the belly of the beast' and 'in the heart of the monster' here in this country. People like him see America as basically evil and in need of drastic change. The left's utter hatred of Bush has created a climate where radicals like Ayres are not criminals, but patriots, and the things Ayres did and stood for and now glossed over. And Obama knows Ayres well enough to know he still hold radical views and distaste for our country, but as his weak response in the debate showed, he doesn't want to deal with it, but wants you to think it is trivial and should be ignored.
Lately, when we get to dig at who he is and ask about things he says or people he hangs with, things don't go too well for Barack. Prepared speeches where his eloquence and inspiration can shine are much safer. So he tries to deflect all the questions and concerns we have about his character with irritated answers like, 'this happened 40 years ago when I was 8' and other things to make it seem unreasonable to look at who he associates as an indicator of his own character. But Ayers has never admitted guilt or shame about what they did as domestic terrorists, and continues to say he wishes they did more and hasn't left his anti-american thought in the past. So if Obama has a relationship with him, does that mean anything or not? When there isn't much to gather as far as an understanding of who Obama, I will stash this little nugget into my satchel.
My man John Gibson, dealing with Obama supporters calling and complaining that too much focus is put on Obama's associates and not on the issues, put it like this: We've had plenty of debates and time to know all of their policies, we already know what he and Hillary say they will do. They are basically the same or similar on most every issue. What we want to know is about Obama's character and what he will do when he is in office. We know Hillary, not much more dirt can be brought out on her, we know it all. We do not know Obama.
I think there are two main groups of people who pretty much blindly follow Obama (it must be blindly, because no one can profess to know much about him, really).
- One is comprised of many left leaning and most far-left leaning people. Many of this group are educated (by people like Noam Chomsky), and believe the country is flawed. And not just from Bush doing a bad job- this has sure fueled their fire- but more than that. They call for a complete changing of our country, where income is re-distributed, our borders are torn down, our military is eliminated, and basically all laws are done away with because of the belief that laws discriminate, infringe, offend or something like that. They often think people that disagree are uneducated or less then they are. I thought Obama speaking to a group of wealthy liberals in San Francisco was quite telling, if for no other reason, because it sounded so different from his prepared inspirational speeches he knows will be made public. I thought his commentary on working class whites in rural America illustrated well the snobbish attitudes people in this liberal group hold. They dream of (and hold as an actually reachable goal) an earth where everyone around the world holds hands, all religions other than Christianity thrive and the temperature ceases to rise, where cars no longer exist, but people ride around on magic unicorns.
- The other group are those poor people who don't know and don't want to know who Obama is, or how liberal he really is. They see a man who is young and exciting. They love his being different from the norm in his racial makeup and background. They like that he says he's going to make their life great and give them lots of stuff. They like that he says 'hope' alot and makes them feel good inside when he speaks. For these reasons they will vote for him. When asked what they like about him, they will probably answer because he is young and different, that he is inspirational, or even that he is black. They like the idea of change, but don't care to know exactly what type of change it will be.
- There is probably a third group, with people who have bits of themselves described in the above two groups.
Thinking about it all makes me worried. I'm scared by the thinking of both groups.
An argument often made by Obama supporters regarding his ability to change America is that he a diplomat, that he will talk and work with other people to get things done. But this is not based on the reality of his past. Looking at those that have helped him get to where he is now is a who's who list of radical thinking people in this country. They are people that seem to foster hatred of others and hold quite extreme views that do not lend themselves to negotiation or reaching across party lines. He speaks of unifying America, of overcoming all differences, but the groups he has associated with for his adult life represent division and outright enmity toward others. Obama is the most liberal senator we have right now. And as far as reaching across the isle and working together to pass laws, McCain and Hillary have him beat. However, a group we can count on him working with for sure is Hamas, who has already given Obama their endorsement.
What I can gather as I try to understand Obama is that he associates with people of extreme views and positions. His character is pretty much unknown still, so I will look at the character of those he hangs out with. It has become clear that he is a politician, saying things that sound good but isn't necessarily truth. I think it will be difficult for him to become president as moderately thinking people look past his inspirational speeches and realize who he is.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Things that make bad architecture
As a result of my distaste for much of the built world being produced nowadays, I thought I would offer some critiques for everyone inhabiting it with me to consider. Looking at the architecture in the U.S., much of it, in many ways, is lagging if not void of any architectural validity. Quality design is no longer a priority, but quantity and efficiency. I've made a quick list of ways buildings fail, reasons they frustrate me and do not provide their inhabitants with the many benefits good architecture should. My interest is in designing homes and so my most critical eye is upon this building type.
1- Ornamental excess/ trend reflection: Too many buildings lack good design where it matters, and become mere displays of the latest trends in architectural style and materiality. For example, the 'Tuscan' obsession right now in the western U.S. Trends come and go- if you look at subdivisions in Southern California you can tell which decade they were built by the style they are reflecting. There, entire shopping centers and areas of town can become run down and abandoned when the style they represented has run its course. I have witnessed the strange phenomenon of a strip mall getting a make over- application of the trendy stone cladding, correct beige tone stucco and the obligatory arch here and there- and all of a sudden it is a thriving oasis once again.
This seems odd and also wasteful when so much material and money is spent on superficialities with such short life spans. I realize buildings require maintenance and the occasional renovation. But good architecture and design is timeless. It should reflect the culture, character and climate of the area it is in and not fleeting trends. In places where culture and character is becoming increasingly lacking, this wasteful cycle is thrown into hyper drive. Good design has never been so needed and so disregarded.
2- Faux cladding: I see this often as a way to disguise an otherwise ugly and poorly designed building. Cladding does have its place- perhaps on a high rise where the true material is too large, heavy or expensive to use, but if it is simply for the purpose of a trend like that mentioned above, please spare me. Let something a little less costly and permanent like your car tell the world you seek its approval and inclusion.
3- Stucco: Just a nasty looking exterior material. Affordabilty makes it attractive, so I suppose it has its place. But it looks and acts cheap as well! Concrete block is infinitely cooler in my book, and am still partial to wood and other materials displaying a more natural beauty. In general, I like the idea of using materials that don't need to painted and disguised, but can be celebrated for their unique properties just as it is.
4- Fabric Awnings: I think of a sculptor finishing a masterpiece in stone, celebrating the human body- Then ruining it by dressing it up in a cheesy outfit. If it is a true masterpiece, then the outfit is unneeded and detracts from the finished work. If it is good architecture I feel like it should have more of a sense of permanence and purity. If shade or shelter is required, a material which doesn't require regular bathing and maintenance would, to me, be more successful. The idea of materials that age well is something I am also a fan of. Too often, fabric awnings look like an old band aid or cheap remedy for a design that missed something somewhere during the process.
5- The 'Grand Entry': I am not impressed by these, am I completely insane? I feel like these have become increasingly important in the world of those seeking their neighbors praise, or those building a home as a temple unto themselves. An article I once read discussed this design element, along with a couple others, as an extremely effective selling tool. The person mentioned that such a feature ups the 'wow' factor for someone viewing the house quickly and superficially. Once they move in they find the grand entry to be less impressive, but more a waste of space, decreasing privacy throughout the house and increasing the noise level unnecessarily. I suppose that is one of the main differences in buying a developer designed home and one designed by an architect. Wow factor, trendy materials and gimmicks to make a quick profit vs. quality design tailored to the needs of the occupant. But people continue to eat it up. It is a waste of space! It serves no function but to impress the person as they enter! If that is a main requirement in your home's design, please don't seek out my input. I think of some of my favorite architects and their designs, even when a home is large, the entry is often quite humble. For me, a home with a connection with nature is important, not one that is meant to outdo it through the use of high ceilings and spiraling staircases. Spaces with a sense of openness or of intimacy should be strategically designed and located to fit the users needs, lifestyle and the overall site.
6- Site unspecific design: Too many buildings look like they were designed without any particular site in mind. This leads to generic, predictable, out-of-place, or at the least, inefficient design. Quality architecture should respond to the site and client and user needs. Although the idea of green building is being touted as the latest fashion, many of the concepts regarding sustainable design have been there since the beginning. Orienting the building to maximize/minimize daylight and heat gain, use of local and sustainable materials, etc are simple strategies of good design that until modern times have simply been logical and necessary decisions. One of the main things that bothers me with tract and 'cookie cutter' homes is their uniformity despite their location and orientation. Many buildings today look as though they were designed without any visit to a site or research into the surroundings of where the project is to be. But most don't care about such things when they wish only for maximum square footage and four car garage. Impact on the site, energy efficiency, conscientious use of materials are all things for others to worry about- but as the built world increasingly taxes the natural world and we find our quality of life being compromised, a return to such basic principles is important.
7- Disconnect from nature: This issue blends together with the previous- In our complete ignoring of the world outside our own built universe, we not only are wasteful, but harmful to the environment. A connection with nature is not only beneficial for daylighting, heating, cooling and ventilation, but also healthy for people themselves. There is a tradition now of dominating, neglecting and abusing the natural environment which must be reversed before it is too late. A balanced relationship should be the goal.
8- Reliance on unnatural systems: Last idea and one that has been talked about already is the overuse of a/c and ventilation systems, electric lighting, and other inorganic systems. While their use is sometimes unavoidable, simple design solutions and the right materials can usually greatly reduce the need for these energy consuming and pollution causing systems. Corbusier called the house 'a machine for living'- and I love the imagery it brings to mind. A place adaptable to fit the changes in living and usage by its occupants as well as to accommodate the changing environment outside. To paraphrase architect Glenn Murcutt, a home should be a living and breathing thing, one that closes up when it's cold and rainy and opens up and can breathe when it is hot and sunny. Bad architecture relies on unnatural systems- these systems allow for sloppiness as they can make up for the design's incompetencies.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Help me nail this coffin
(and various tangents as they come to me, ending with the rebellion against a robotic clone take over of society)
First coffin I'd like to ask your help with:
Blockbuster Video. I recently was a helpless bystander, watching, like most other people out there who live in towns or areas built prior to the mid 90s, my local video store go out of business. The story is the same, a new shopping center is built or redone and this current American chain staple is guaranteed a home in your community. It didn't take more than a few months and Waimea Video store, where we went every weekend growing up and knew the owners and everyone working there had to close shop. We tried to keep supporting them but we apparently couldn't do enough. That was a good 2-3 years ago and the space it occupied still remains empty. It looks run down and really great.
But the trade off was worth it, right? Sure! We can all go to Blockbuster now and pay $6.00 (or is it more now?) for one movie for one night, deal with disinterested high school dropout workers, and dish out money to some unseen franchise owner who may or may not live in the area. And for some reason, despite their huge selection, it is often harder to find anything to watch.
Solution? Netflix. Plans start at $5 for 2 movies a month, and you can keep them as long as you want. We have the 2 at a time unlimited per month plan, it's $14. We watch up to about 8 movies a month, and we can watch an additional unlimited amount on our computer. It is far, far cheaper than Blockbuster and you don't even have to spend money on gas to drive anywhere. We are giving money to a ghost, sure, but at least not encouraging bad architecture and a sterile and monotonous landscape.
*note: Blockbuster Video also offers movies via mail similar to Netflix, but do not be fooled. Blockbuster is still again more expensive, and also, think of all the bad architecture. Also, I know Blockbuster is struggling lately as a result of their being so lame, so just participate in the coffin nailing!
Future Coffin I'd love to nail down:
Starbucks. See previous post for details on this annoying and trend defining phenomena. I'd say more, but I don't drink coffee so don't really care about it other than, again, looking at predictably generic architecture and equally predictable patrons.
Solution? Make your own. Or at least sacrifice that recognizable white and green cup and go someplace where lattes aren't $10.
Other future coffins I have seen in dreams:
Borders, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy. I would love to see these chains go down mostly for their participation in the demise of a place close to my heart: the music store. No more local music stores to hang out at, get recommendations at, to special order CDs you can't find, or to buy tickets to local shows. Even old school chain stores like Tower Records (which, though a chain, was pretty sweet and usually pretty localized) couldn't survive in the new landscape of Big Box economies of scale and convenience. I recognize the digital revolution has completely changed the music business more than anything else, but am still bitter with my terrible choices when I want to go on Tuesday and buy the new CD I was waiting for. Want a CD today? You have to go to Borders, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy or maybe Walmart. The sad thing is unless your taste in music completely sucks, then more than likely you won't find what you're looking for. The selection is frustrating and prices: high. It's sad to see smaller, local music stores with more diversity in music being utterly wiped out by gigantic boxes of sameness with identical music selections no matter which part of the country you're in.
Solution? Boycott and shop online. has a decent selection of music, used and new, for a range of prices. Online shops are able to provide whatever you are looking for. I have used Amazon for the past few years, as I'm old school and still like a tangible CD from time to time, and love it. Prices are great and it's shipped quickly to your door.
In summary:
The landscape has drastically changed with the global economy and increased trade, outsourcing and the internet. While this has brought us goods for lower prices and many other wonderful benefits, I believe in many ways our choices are becoming more limited as ultra-efficient and morbidly obese companies like those mentioned above put every one else out of business. I know that people make choices, and thus are to blame for going to these big box, generic chains and leaving the others to go under. Two thoughts: One, people are like robots. Two, the physical landscape has changed in so much of America that people no longer have access to local businesses without a car, they are no longer blended into communities like they were in the past. We have built an automobile dependent environment where everything in life is separated by vast amounts of roadway and parking lot. Naturally, this has created a niche for these mega chains as people now go to one particular zone to buy goods and need everything they seek in that one zone. The birth of the mega chain big box. A one stop shop for everyone, so you better be seeking the same goods as everyone. This neatly separated and planned out environment connected by roads begins altering the way we live and interact. To function in an overly planned, inorganic system, the human must also become inorganic and simply participate in the system. Robots on a conveyor belt, going from zone to zone.
But I don't want to give up and watch the natural world of the past be taken over. And not all places have been fully converted to this new system of living. And I think a growing number are becoming dissatisfied with this artificial way of life (Just visit real communities of real people and see the influx of those fighting their robotic transformation moving from elsewhere, seeking a real life among humans). My hope is for change towards more variety (not one or two big box chain stores full of products everyone must shop at), freer movement (on foot, by car, bicycle, horse, piggyback, your choice!) and a more naturally functioning system of living without conveyor belts.
In closing, I again ask all humans for help. I believe there will always be a need for video stores, music stores, book stores, coffee shops, and so on. I do not believe the one size must fit all dominance of huge chain stores is healthy for communities of members of a variety of sizes. By not giving these chains money, but by finding what we can on the internet, or of course at the few surviving local businesses in your area, humans can resist the robotic clone take over threatening to eclipse our entire society. Everything is cyclical: I believe the Walmart era isn't eternal, but humans will turn back towards a world of human scale and interaction as it is the most natural and sustainable. As humans begin to get a handle on things and are able to fight off the evil robot forces, human scale businesses run by fellow humans of various sizes may again proliferate throughout the land, enriching the character of communities and fulfilling all of our wildest dreams.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Obama's 'I have a racist grandma' speech
Race is not a factor with Obama- that is what he's worked so hard to get into everyone's minds for the past year. As people begin questioning what really is inside the man due to what many he associates with carry inside themselves, Obama has completely changed his message. It turns out that race is everything after all.
In his race speech, Obama again says he disagrees with his mentor Rev. Wright, but then tries to trivialize it by saying we all have gone to church and disagreed with church leaders before. I personally think my being told that I shouldn't put off having children until I'm wealthy isn't quite on the same level as, say, the fighting and killing between fellow white people needs to stop and we should instead turn against the real enemy: black people- As Wright suggests, but of course reversed, in one of his uplifting sermons.
As Obama's halo fades and people see two regular human democratic candidates with nothing much separating them politically, Obama turns to the tried and true. No longer can he stand back and let everyone else argue about whether or not race is an issue, pretending to be above it all. He sees his momentum slowing... His speech, I think, can be summed up in a few phrases: Racism exists in America. I am black. Nothing will ever change until we the people do something about it.
and the ONLY way to do anything about it is: Elect ME! hint hint....
Apparently the only way we can get past racism is if we vote for Barack Obama, so I guess I have to. To me, that is a sad and desperate attempt to win back the love and affection of the country.
I just wish Obama was a regular old black guy who was actually experienced enough. No racist church membership, no questionable acquaintances, no seemingly disgusted with America spouse- but just a solid, experienced, honest person. There wouldn't be all this ammunition and ridiculous stuff to be made into gigantic issues like they have unless something wasn't right. What is not right is I think Obama has been counting on his race to get him the presidency. And now it is becoming more apparent than I'm sure he would have liked.
I don't know much about Colin Powell or Condi Rice, but I know they are pretty high up there and I can't image such a huge deal being made about their being black. I don't know whether its the democratic party and their obsession with being PC, the fact that Obama is a mythical creature we don't really know, or whether he's more of a celebrity rock star than legitimate candidate that has caused this circus. I do know I'm getting bored with it.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
It seems the country has fallen- and fallen hard- for this charming and inspirational speaker. People write songs about him, praise him as the savior of the world, and faint when they are in his presence. When most people are asked why they are voting for him, it's because he's a good speaker, young and exciting, or just that he represents change. I'm hoping the infatuation is coming to a close and people will awake from their love drunkenness and look at who this is that may become our President.
* I should note that I am not completely anti-Obama, I don't know much about him, but I think he has become a national obsession and most people jumping on the bandwagon don't know any more than I do. I don't think that is a good thing.
I think Obama was smart enough to know that running for president would cause people to talk about a variety of issues, namely religion due to his name, and race. I think he was also smart enough to know, by looking at the current climate in America, that people are so afraid to say anything about his religion and his race in particular, he could reach an almost untouchable status without doing much more than showing up and mentioning 'hope' a few times. He has come at just the right time and said just the right things to utilize this opportunity, no one can disagree his campaign has been near perfect.
Any time a doubt in his experience is raised, a question of his ability to protect us in the face of foreign threats is asked or how he will change and unite the world as one happy family, the person in doubt or seeking information is immediately called out as a racist or some kind of fool for doubting the Great One. Obama can keep himself above most of it and not even address any questions asked, others surrounding him shoot those questioning down, they will nurture America's fear of being called a racist or discriminatory and shield Obama from any kind of meaningful and healthy scrutiny. And I'm sure he foresaw this landscape and is now basking in it.
At first I thought that it would be fine if he were elected. I wouldn't go out and vote for him, but I also think it could actually be a historic step for the country and maybe he could do some good. But when I take some of the little things and add them up, I begin to wonder whether he really would be the positive force for change he makes himself out to be. I recognize that I do not know everything about him that I could if I researched more, but for now, with what I have, here are some observations:
- Wearing a flag pin is a small and fairly generic thing, but stating that you won't because you're above the need to because of your patriotic living coupled with not acknowledging the flag when the American anthem is sung while standing next to others who do acknowledge it seems a bit odd.
- Telling parts of the country that an element of the great change you will bring may require adjustments in NAFTA, and if Canada and Mexico don't want to work with your new plans you will get the U.S. out of it, is a great plan to gain the vote of people who may have lost their job. Learning soon after that some top aids had contacted officials in Canada and explained this was all campaign rhetoric and not to worry about anything sounds a little sketchy.
- When your wife says things that make people question whether you love and respect the country you're running to be president of and then the leader of the church you attend for 20 years, who married you and your wife, baptized your kids and who you call your mentor and is like a father, is found to be preaching things that sound completely racist, hateful and in many ways anti-American- it makes me wonder what YOU really are thinking inside.
- It seems Obama is slowly learning that people won't give him a free pass anymore, too much has caused need for explanation. But he continues to give vague and generalized answers to avoid any trouble. When Obama said he had never heard such things while sitting in the pews as Reverend Wright has been heard saying I couldn't believe how blinded by his greatness he must think people are. To hear a person preaching with such passion and conviction, it doesn't take an expert to hypothesize that these are things the speaker deeply believes, and thus, must make mention from time to time over the years. For people to believe that Obama heard these outrageous things for the first time after he began his campaign and just completely rejected it all is gullible to say the least. I love the quote by Obama that he doesn't think his church is all that controversial. AIDS was created by the government and the white man as some type of tool to destroy black people- that seems pretty reasonable to me too, Barack.
Obama, it seems, has taken the human form of a movement, and people will say anything they want about him, and it becomes so. A mythical creature no one can fully understand because fact is so blending together with fiction. And, for the most part, I think Obama has believed the myth himself, making grand statements like 'We can change the world!' with himself as president. Is it just me or is that a bit lofty?
Rev. Wright explains in one of his fiery sermons that Obama essentially knows what it's like to be raised by a black parent in the ghetto, knows what it's like to grow up with racism, and be called a n_ _ _a. But wasn't Obama raised by his white grandparents in the multi-racial state of Hawaii where he attending one of the most prestigious private schools in the state?? Later, he went on to Columbia and then Harvard and became a successful lawyer. I don't claim to know Obama's life experiences, but it seems Obama has enjoyed many great opportunities and successes. For his preacher friend to whip up the congregation into a frenzy, saying Obama knows the hard life and struggles of all minorities in this country, it seems like layers are being added to the mythical hero's story. As people begin to look into who Obama really is, hopefully the layers may be peeled back, showing the man without all the fluff, legends and lofty speech. Then, as a mere human, we can see him against the opponents, and decide between the candidates.
Getting people young and old excited to participate in our democracy is a great thing, but I hope that people will not join in the celebrity worship for superficial reasons like appearance or inspirational oratory. To me, integrity, honesty and what a person stands for and plans to do in actuality (and 'changing the world' doesn't count) are most important to me.