Friday, September 19, 2008

the two faces of obama...

Here's what Barry was doing behind the scenes during his extensive, one day Iraq visit in July.
Ignoring conditions on the ground there, as always, and trying to work on his own political career.
Read from NY Post. Was he really concerned about the Iraqis? Perhaps the 'state of weakness and political confusion' back home in the U.S. leading to wrong moves there? Or, maybe he wanted to put it off and then push for it after he took office, become the hero he thinks he is, and have his massive ego stroked. you decide. Looks like hope and change to me.

1 comment:

Bill Hastings said...

Interesting piece. Reminds me of the accusations from the anti-war crowd that Nixon ended the Vietnam War when he did for the political payoff. "Some folks wouldn't be happy if they were hung with a new rope."