Friday, November 21, 2008

what's up with Obama?

Just wanted to post an update on what's going on with Obama. Well, he's been busy not saying anything specific about what he'll do as President because "there's only one President at a time." Maybe he's buying time to sort it out himself, who knows.
But in the meantime, Obama has been picking his cabinet and people to surround himself with for the next 4 years. This means we finally get a glimpse of 'Hope and Change'.

So what does 'Change' look like?

The Clinton years apparently. Did I miss Obama's mentioning a time machine or anything during his many inspirational speeches?? Maybe Obama's taking early steps in combating global warming and protecting the environment by practicing 2 of the 3 Rs: Reuse and Recycling. It really looks like some serious recylcing of Washington politicians to me. I'm excited to hear his choices defended by his many fans. I'm sure Hillary and Bill's come back is a 'stroke of genius' somehow.

Should be fun! Can you say drama?

In other news:

Looking to stay fit and healthy??? Two words: coffee and cigarettes!
Interesting choice. But it's a collector's edition, so I have to buy it.