Friday, June 27, 2008

slumber's over, the gloves are off

I like Dennis Miller, he's pretty sweet. Here he is talking about Obama's speech to a group of his disciples recently.

- sorry to the Obama fans out there, I know Fox news makes your ears bleed...

Obama gets more annoying to me the more I hear about him. I think he's arrogant, sneaky and a master at playing this country's people. I only ever hear liberals talk about black/ white affecting anything in this race. But Obama tells his worshipers what they like to hear, but isn't based on reality. Repubs will try to scare everyone about Obama because he's black and has a different name. Give me a freakin break. This guy is so phony I don't know what to do with myself. Everything about him is contrived and planned out to get ahead politically. His changing his name from Barry to Barack, his choice of a church, his friends, everything about him. Now all he has to do now is spew the standard garbage liberals love to hear in his eloquent smokers voice and it is genius. And no matter what flip flop or weird idea he comes up with he will get a pass, for he is The Chosen One.

Repubs are always accused of being the fear mongers, of scaring the public into doing things.
That's interesting when you consider the doomsday crap from the global warming people. That stuff is by far more scary sounding and isn't even based on anything immediately affecting me right now. It's funny too, that those fighting to stop the world from changing from it's current state are also the same people who think the creation is garbage and evolution should be taught exclusively. WHAT? Did evolution end with the birth of the great Al Gore??? I think the world is a tough place and is used to going through changes... (or evolving)...People can be pretty resilient too.
Al Gore is another great person to contemplate. How many millions has this guy made from his preaching of inconvenient truths?? It is astounding. And yet how much energy is he using at this present time after all his newfound knowledge?? oh, only like 20 times the average family? That seems about right. But Bush and Republicans are the fear mongers right? Just watch Gore's movie about how everyone in the world is gonna be dead in a few years. That's not playing off of fear at all.
Gore's another professional, playing the public. Maybe Obama and Gore would make a perfect ticket.

So, after a month of slumber, I was awakened again by ridiculous things happening around me. I had to say something. To sum up: Obama is annoying.

1 comment:

Bill Hastings said...

Can't disagree with much you've said. But Obama's now got his lapel pin on, has said he'd work with the Iraqi's on withdrawal, etc. We'll survive him, if elected, assuming he's not successful in socializing medicine or taxing us into a deeper economic slump.