Monday, October 27, 2008

vote obama and fix the broken foundations of the U.S.

If it's still possible to think clearly about His Holiness, the Dalai Obama, then perhaps its time to take his election a little more seriously. He wants to address the problems handed down to us all when the founding fathers wrote the flawed constitution. Obama believes it too negative (says what the government can't do) and falls short in the, i guess, positive as he sees it (what the government should do for you). Hopefully people who are fans of the founding fathers and believe that they knew what they were doing will think Obama's words a little troubling. Here's a clip from a recently unearthed interview with Barry on Chicago public radio in 2001.

I think Obama should be running in North Korea, Russia or Cuba or someplace else, where the government actually does take upon itself the duty of providing everything for people, distributing wealth, and having a much more intrusive role in our everyday lives.

If you believe that people shouldn't control how to use their own money, that hard work and success doesn't allow you to lift yourself above others who don't exert the same effort, and that the government should have far more power in your life, than please vote Barry.

It is scary the way Obama hides his intentions to completely alter the country and our freedom by saying generic garbage like "change". We hung out with friends over the weekend, there was another couple there we didn't know and they all had fun talking about how dumb Palin is and how great SNL is for making a fool of her, how great Obama is, how they'll move if he's not elected, blah, blah, blah. Typical young liberal person recently graduated from college stuff. And why doesn't she like McCain? "Oh like, I just can't take another old geezer who's like 'yeah, more war' and stuff." Wow, she sounded smart. She almost convinced me.

It is scary that the Obama crowd attacks people who question him or ask him a hard question. See what happened to Joe the plumber: we now know more about him in a matter of a week or 2 because he asked Obama a question, than we know about Obama. Biden is asked a question about Obama's socialist tendencies and he throws a tantrum and the Obama people cut that news channel off for the rest of the campaign. You question or don't agree with him, you get in trouble. is that scary to anyone else? and he's not even president yet. imagine what it will be like when he is, with an unstoppable congress behind him.

Obama will be change indeed. Anyone else concerned about where the change will take us?

1 comment:

Bill Hastings said...

Both the Americans for Democratic Action ( and the American Conservative Union ( rank Obama as one of the most liberal Senators. Can they both be that wrong?