Thursday, August 28, 2008

the campaign

Just wanted to post something since it's been a while. I'll keep it simple and short.

It seems Obama's campaign strategy can be narrowed down to two, maybe three, key points. They somehow figure it will be enough to make him the President of the World. The two things his attacks and campaign focuses on are these: 1. McCain = Bush 2. McCain doesn't know how many houses he has. (Really, is that all they got? They really were counting on Obama-mania to have had this locked up by now)

Pretty basic, really. Throw in a 3rd key point- that the world and especially our country sucks and Obama is the "change" we all need- and you have the brilliant campaign strategy of Barry Obama.

All I can say is it's been great to see McCain take advantage of the weak spots in Obama's armor. Despite the overwhelming biases one is bombarded with trying to push Obama, we actually have a race. McCain wasn't supposed to do this well.

But maybe others, like me, have looked at the two candidates and are able to cut through all the garbage- Bush hatred, eco-trends, celebrity worship, PC-ness, etc. and have been able to draw their own conclusions.

For me, it's simple and I like graphics, so I will share it with you. The two things I have been able to decipher are:



Sorry, even though McCain = Bush (or 'more of the same') was the punchline of every Dem Convention speech, I don't buy it. Gotta hand it to them though, those 'Freudian slips' sure are clever. I hope they will start expanding their argument beyond cheesy little one liners that aren't based on reality. Actually, I hope they keep doing it, cause it's a lame strategy.

It'll be interesting to watch as the suit and McCain are able to battle face to face. We've all seen what happens when the teleprompter is snatched away from Obama. It ain't pretty, but it's pretty telling.

May the best man win!


Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I watched Obama's speech last night, and I kind of liked it. I had my moments of cynicism when it was very obviously a politician's speech, but still, I kind of like him. I don't agree with everything, but I don't completely agree with McCain either. I don't really like where our country is right now, and if Obama can bring about some of the "change" he talks about, I think I'm willing to give it a try. (I have to cringe when I hear "change" because it reminds me of the jibjab video and sometimes Obama really is just a disney princess-like-figure singing about change, but oh well.) In the end, I don't buy into the idea that McCain is Bush, but I do believe that Obama is new and different, and maybe that is what our country needs.

the silent warrior said...

oh Court. The dems don't want people to know this, but change is happening no matter what. Bush isn't up for re-election. We've established McCain isn't Bush, so there you go. I think things will change no matter who is in there, I'd rather McCain change than Obama's radical change. I know he gives a good speech, but everything about him is radical and divisive. He tones it down and masks it well, but you just have to look at his bio and his buddies to see what change he is hoping to bring. Taxes- punishment of successful Americans and businesses, health insurance for illegal immigrants, higher gas prices for the next few years till our country makes changes to other energy types, etc.
No thanks.

I know a change will occur in energy, McCain offers more realistic and detailed plans, including drilling some here while we get new stuff up and running, then using nuclear and solar/wind, etc. (I know granolas say the new technology is here, but unless it's at the store ready for me to buy today, and at a price I can afford, then we may need oil for a bit longer!)
Obama speaks of pie in the sky energy in broad terms, basically saying 'the good clean stuff is the mean time here's $1000'. That's not good enough.

Change is coming regarding Iraq. We have accomplished most all goals we set and are now withdrawing troops and setting timetables with their government. The dems have been quiet about the war, since things are better there and coming to a close. Now the focus will shift to Iran or other nearby countries that are threats. That I think is going to happen no matter who is President. But i'd rather have McCain deciding what to do, since he's shown his good judgment in pushing for the surge which is now allowing us to leave having accomplished what we set out to do. McCain was also the first to come out about what Russia's doing.
People like that Obama will make the U.S. look good to the world again, but I think he will make the U.S. look a lot weaker and more vulnerable since he's so eager to please and afraid to make stand.

So, change is coming with or without Obama, remember that. I think Obama change is scary and will make people depend more and more on the government.

Whitney said...

I heard comments about Obama's speech and not the speech itself, but the celebrity-worship thing is out of control. I don't trust the rhetoric. And I still don't know what specific "changes" he plans to make, other than playing Robinhood through the tax system - which is enough to make me say, "No way."

Anna said...

Of course you know, Christian and Whitney, I disagree wholeheartedly with you?
(no hard feelings being implicit here)

And you know what the great irony is?
The Hastings that that will vote for Obama live in Utah where their votes don't count, and those that will vote for McCain live in CA and HI where their votes don't count.
Kind of funny.