Thursday, September 4, 2008

Palin= Obama, but with substance...and more on the GOP convention

Just wanted to write a quick note on the GOP Convention thus far.
I had heard good things about Sarah Palin over the past little bit and today was able to listen to hear speak live. It was a pretty great speech. I am convinced she was a smart, solid pick. I had Shandra watch it with me again when we were home tonight. More than any other person I've seen on either side, she seems genuine and someone I think we can all identify with. She's like the mom next-door, but clearly smart, tough, hard working and not afraid of her critics. I was afraid she'd look weak or too young or out of her league, but man, she killed. Also great was her utter destruction of the media and Obama's campaign in general. Her jabs were smart, piercing and 100% accurate. Things that needed to be said. One of my personal favs was her contrasting the optimism of the Repubs with the negativity/narcissism of the Dems, when she mentioned how Obama "can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting and never use the word 'victory' except when he's talking about his own campaign." amen.

-Palin's speech is about 40 minutes long, but I do think it's a good investment of time if you have it. Giuliani was another speaker who killed and is very worth listening to. Listen and watch here.

But with th
e media against her and conservatives in general, it will be interesting to see what happens now. Palin is already being attacked mercilessly, but I do think that this will backfire and cause thinking Americans to be more open and sympathetic to Palin.

There is no media bias? Here is one of the more blatant and recent examples:


Can someone help me, I just barfed on myself.
This is one of the reasons I don't care to pay for TV or support most of the 'mainstream media'. And Please note the subtext/ bullets on the articles- give me a freakin break!

- So who do you want to vote for now? The Huxtables or that weird white trash lady with all the babies? OMG! Michelle shops at Target! Oh, totally Obama all the way!

I just hope McCain/Palin get the consideration they deserve, but it definitely will be an uphill battle.

*** One last observation, Shandra and I both noticed how nice it is to see and hear people chanting USA!!! USA!!! They may have been protesters, and if so, all the more reason to support McCain: he angers nut jobs enough to get them to come out to his speeches and look like fools!


Bill Hastings said...

I, too, enjoyed the speeches. It will be an interesting 60 days! I also note that the digs were made with good humor. Both Palin and Guiliani looked like they were having the times of their lives. And Cindy seemed to be loving every minute of it. Also, interesting contrast to the foul folks outside demonstrating.

Anna said...

The people shouting USA were protesters who got their butts hauled out of the convention. Sorry.
And there were plenty of anti-war/prolife ugly protesters outside the Dem convention. C'mon. Republicans aren't as perfect as you think.

the silent warrior said...

anna: thanks for the tip, I've updated that last part to reflect this new information.

will said...

Chanting creeps me out.

I do have to agree with you on the US mag covers. The bias revealed in their lead titles is so overwhelming I can't decide if it's funny or not.

"Why Obama's the Best Husband Ever!"
"How Palin is the Most Evil Mother in History!"