Friday, July 9, 2010

presidential update

heard this today and thought it was sweet.

'if you drive a car, i'll tax main street... if you try to sit, i will tax your seat. if you get too cold, i will tax the heat. if you take a walk, i will tax your feet." so great.

remember how no one making less than $250,000 a year wouldn't have an increase of taxes? right.

really, can you believe anything that comes out of his mouth?

he was right though, it isn't politics as usual. It's far, far worse.

Let's make a list of current events:

1- oil spill. day 80 something now. how's that going? forget cleaning up, let's bash oil companies, stop drilling altogether and put more people out of work (and lie about recommendations regarding a moratorium). Push cap and trade and environmental responsibility (while the environment there is being completely ruined). bravo. never let a crisis go to waste.

2- new black panther voter intimidation. After they were found guilty, the DOJ drops the case against them. Look it up on youtube, it's right there and it's crazy. But there is a new policy: no case where white people are victims and black people are the ones committing the crime against them will be taken seriously.
- remember the 'beer summit' after Obama said the white policeman acted stupidly when in the same sentence he acknowledged not having the facts. hooray for a post racial America, united under the Chosen One.

3- Immigration and Arizona. The vast majority of humans understand a border is necessary and without that border being secure it is pointless. Obama would rather get votes from clueless and far, far left people and ignore the American people and go ahead and sue Arizona. Sue it for a basically harmless law that mimics the federal law. Imagine being stopped by a cop for doing something wrong (like speeding or shooting someone) and he asks for your license! WOW, that IS like Nazi Germany. Give me a break and cry me a river people. When asked about whether law suits would be considered against sanctuary cities that openly defy immigration law, they couldn't answer. One more double standard in my book of evidence. And chalk up another one on the 'Obama on opposite side of America' board.
Perhaps they should drop the lawsuit and get to work on fixing the problem.

4- Economy. Get ready for the double dip is what i'm hearing more and more. My hours at work just got cut. Obama continues to give speeches about how awful the country would be if they hadn't run up the debt and wasted money on stimuli. Oh, and don't forget how messed up everything was from EVIL BUSH. That's not getting old at all. Like his 'created or saved' garbage that can't be measured, we are just supposed to take his word for it that he's all knowing and taking great care of us. I prefer to look at reality. He has no clue what he's doing. He and all his socialist textbook reading academic friends are still going for the big government take over with redistribution of wealth and trickle up economics to fix the country. The rest of us have history and reality to look at and understand they're only making things worse.

5- NASA- isn't involved in space anymore, but Islamic relations. Making them feel good about contributions they made to science and math hundreds of years ago... google it. it's happening.

I'm getting tired and don't want to waste more time on this.
The point is Obama is exactly what I thought. That is why i didn't vote for him. Let's hope he doesn't fundamentally change anything beyond repair and will kindly disappear when his lone term is finished. Maybe go get a massage with his buddy Al Gore. Then, hopefully the country will be woken up enough and have their eyes open next time and will elect an actual leader to be president.